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Activated Charcoal

Simply put, activated charcoal has a negative electrical charge, when it comes in contact with positively charged toxins in our bodies, such as pesticides and heavy metals, they bind together and are removed from the body through a properly working lymphatic system.

Just like with all of mother natures miracles like apple cider vinegar and real salt, Activated Charcoal has been used for many millennia, 1500 BC Egyptians were known to use activated charcoal on wound infections and in the 1800’s activated charcoal was and still is used for poison, drug and alcohol overdose.

Jackfruit - The World's Largest Fruit tree and National fruit of India

About every 30 days our body and skin will regenerate itself, for better or for worse, using the nutrients we provide ourselves with. The health of our skin, bones, joints, teeth, organs, even the clarity in our eyes is a direct reflection of what we put in and on our bodies! Begin fueling yourself with live electric Foods and you can literally become a brand new person


Organic Ginger

Organically Grown Ginger Root vs. Non Organic. There is so much more color, nutrients and life in the organic! In our juices and meals you can truly taste and feel the difference! You also do not have to use quite as much because it is so powerful. As always, Quality over Quantity!

Organic limes, full of Vitamin C! English sailers were often called "limeys". The Merchant Shipping Act was passed in 1860, requiring ships to provide all sailers with a daily dose of fresh lime juice to prevent Scurvy.

Organic Celery

Celery is one of the most alkalizing foods we can put in our bodies. It is also very hydrating, and full of the sodium our bodies need to thrive. Many are told they have "dis-eases" such as arthritis, which is actually just a symptom of too much acid in the joints and bones. They are simply de-hydrated and need to start super hydrating themselves with healthy alkaline water, organic juices and foods. The celery leaves have just as much if not more nutrient than the stalk itself so be sure to use those beautiful leaves!

Vegetarianism and Veganism is nothing new and certainly not a fad. Although many conscious individuals are now currently switching to this diet, it has been around for thousands of centuries and normal in many thriving cultures and other countries.

Juicing removes the insoluble fiber from vegetables and fruits, leaving us with concentrated raw organic nutrients which are very easy for our bodies to break down, adding quality years to ones life.

Coffee beans are one of the most chemically treated crops in the world. According to the CS Monitor, up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers are sprayed per acre of non-organic coffee. There are many options available for organically grown coffee beans from wholesome earth-friendly farmers! *remember to use clean purified water for brewing your coffee, it is just as important! We do not recommend coffee and promote more organic herbal teas, however if you choose to enjoy coffee, have it the right way <3


Omega 3, 6 & 9 

The Essential Omega-3 Chia Seed

Chia seeds are so valuable they were once traded as currency, and Aztec warriors were known to survive only on portions of chia seeds for long periods of time.

Our brains are made of fat, at least 60 to 80 % depending on how healthy we are. The incredible fat of a chia seed is very similar to the fat in our brain. These fats nourish our brain and bodies, and when we remove these healthy fats from our diet we see "dis-eases" such as Alzheimer's and Memory Loss.

We have always used chia seeds, specifically germinated chia seeds which are easier to assimilate within the body, in our clients diets and many of our meals, drinks and salad dressing

Organic Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper really gets things going in our bodies and makes every bodily system begin to work better. Organic cayenne pepper aids in a Healthy metabolism (weight loss or balance) and blood flow, digestion, anti-oxidant rich, skin purification and also helps reduce cravings. Did you know cayenne pepper can instantly stop a heart attack when ingested! Try adding a small amount to your water or juice each morning!

Real Salt

Sodium should be the Second most Dominate mineral inside the human cell a vast majority of the time behind the Queen of Minerals Potassium, so would imply any reasonable reference regarding Proper Cellular Function. This is extremely basic Biology that many "experts" have not grasped as yet, of course not what is commonly known as Table Salt, which is complete poison, we are speaking of Real Cellular Salts.

There are 12 primary Cellular Salts absolutely crucial for our bodies to function seamlessly and another at least 90 minerals and trace elements replete in the "Salts" we use here.

Salt has everything to do with our health, even the word itself is indicative of well being and gratitude such as the saying Salute, Salutations, Salvation and even the word Salary traces back to salt. The term salt also translates to soul, or "sol," which is another word for the sun.

What is the first thing paramedics administer to ill people? That would be fluids containing a combination of potassium and sodium which they term electrolytes.

What does a human embryo float in and also constituted from for 9 months and even immediately after conception? That also would be salt water.
-Kyle Jessop | Jessop Trust

True Health begins from the inside out, starting at the cellular level. When you change your diet and start fueling your body with the proper living nutrients and sunlight it requires you may not see immediate changes on the outside but many magical things are happening inside your body. Be very patient, We have over 80 trillion cells which these nutrients must get to first before we see any drastic changes on the outside.

With the lovely local BZ Honey Ladies. Purchasing from local and ethical farmers who do not use toxic pesticides, herbicides and glyphosates not only benefits you and your family but also our planet, the only place we have to live.

Honey bees are crucial in our survival and thousands are dying off each day due to these noxious non-organic farming methods. If these poisons can destroy an insect within seconds, what do you feel they are doing inside our bodies...

A man in California was just awarded nearly 3 million dollars for winning a case against Monsanto for becoming gravely ill, with only 2 years left to live from contact with Glyphosate, also know as Round-up Weed Killer. (Which he was spraying at an elementary school by the way).

They know and have always known that these pesticides cause cancer and many many other illnesses. Think for yourself, buy local and stay far away from companies who do not care about your health and well-being!

Why do we put radishes in all of our meals?

Researchers at India’s Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University found that radishes induce apoptosis, meaning they kill cancer cells.

Radishes are excellent, for women especially, for removing excess estrogen, the stress hormone that truly wreaks havoc on our bodies. Both Men and Women are bombarded with estrogen mimickers (meaning our body thinks its estrogen) on a daily basis, from all the high amounts of soy, plastic and BPA, cosmetics, artificial substances in foods, soaps, birth controls, genetically modified foods and much more.

Radishes are also known for stabilizing blood pressure, increasing immunity, weight-loss, detoxification and digestion, supplying fresh oxygen to our blood and much more!

Some "Food" Companies are now finally labeling their Genetically Modified products as they should.

You are what you eat right, do you want to be Genetically Modified?

*Genetically Engineered substances are just a fraction of harmful ingredients in this product and those alike.

Some of the listed ingredients..

Enriched Wheat Flour- Sounds good right? enriched wheat flour is completely stripped of all nutrients and what is added back is nothing but toxic ingredients that our bodies cannot process correctly, and then Bleached to make it white and pretty.

Water- Fluoridated Tap Water

Sugar- Genetically Engineered Sugar, processed and rife with heavy metals

Soybean Oil/Soy Lecithin- Soy is one of the Worst things on this earth for our bodies and brains, being truly only one molecule away from the structure of plastic

Modified Yeast,Malt Flour, Calcium Propionate- Contains Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Excitotoxin, Literally Excites our brain cells at such a rapid speed that they are damaged or destroyed.
(Dr. Russell Blaylock,MD and Board Certified Neurosurgeon is a great Reference for MSG)

Just to name a few..

This is just one label on one product, they are everywhere. Fortunately, there are many good companies who do care about the health of you and your family who make truly amazing and healthy products!